“Diario di Bordo, La cura della parola” is a narrative workshop conceived, elaborated and produced adhoc for Medtronic, global leader in medical technology, which deals with the turbulent waters of chronicity through a powerful and original medium: the word, a real universe in its own right, rich in meanings and, above all, in stories.
The workshop is part of the initiative Mare in Tasca, a project launched by Methodos which involves sponsoring companies that want to engage in the preservation, protection and safeguarding of our seas and in socially useful actions, by creating an ecosystem of individuals, organizations and companies capable of maneuvering and exchanging value in harmony with the logic of sustainable development 2030.
“Diario di Bordo, La cura della parola” (meaning “Logbook, The word cure”) has led Medtronic’s staff to analyze and re-dimension 6 chronic diseases (cancer, obesity, incontinence, Parkinson’s, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes) metaphorized in 6 keywords representing the synthesis of this “journey into chronicity”: care, sacrifice, knowing, harmony, hope, complexity.
The narration and use of the word, with its evocative and sentimental power, can prove to be decisive in the relationship that Medtronic establishes daily with its patients. Hence the idea of turning the “travel diary” of this experience into the dictionary “Diario di bordo: Sentimental Dictionary of Chronicity”.
The aim is to use the means of the word to empty it of its habitual meaning and fill it with a new, personal, intimate, emotional one: an extraordinary definition linked to the world of chronicity born from the experience of Mare in Tasca.
press release
rampello & partners srl
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